本次教程中,我们将结合功能从Photoshop和Cinema 4D创建一个抽象的三维图,感觉就像是画画一样。您将学习如何创建多种类型的抽象,在Photoshop中处理阴影,并建立多个对象复杂的形式。通过本教程后,您将学到如何形成的,颜色和光线可以用来构建视觉魅力的抽象。

Throughout these lessons we’ll combine functionality from Photoshop and CINEMA 4D to create an abstract 3D illustration that feels like it was painted. You will learn how to create several types of abstraction, manipulate shading in Photoshop and build a complex form from multiple objects. By the end of the tutorial, you will have learned how form, color, and light can be used to build a visually engaging abstraction.

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