
In this tutorial we will take a global look at all the techniques required to do the models, textures, and shading for a character. We will start by taking a brief look at the concept and references, then start to model from scratch in ZBrush using a ZSphere structure. After reaching a certain amount of detail we will retopologize our character and refine the model before exporting the displacement maps into Maya. We will then paint textures for the accessories on our character and create some shaders. Also, we will take a look at the new FiberMesh features of ZBrush to comb the mustache of our character. Finally we will make a pose and render a picture with our character to present it as a final product. This is not designed to be a step-by-step tutorial but it will cover a lot of concept and techniques. It is not an entry level tutorial, but for users who have a good understanding about Maya, ZBrush, Photoshop and Mudbox.

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Bn6P8ap_iuLNqfOYf6VSjA 密码:m18u

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kR2hvTh4Xqmk2leMoXWmMQ 密码:k37i

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